Pre-Event Survey: GRiF Technical Talks
The Global Risk Financing Facility (GRiF) was established in October 2018 as a Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) with over $200 million in pledges from Germany and the United Kingdom. The GRiF program objective is to strengthen financial resilience of the vulnerable by enabling earlier and more reliable response and recovery to climate and disaster shocks and over time to a broader range of crises by establishing or scaling up pre-arranged risk financing instruments, including market-based instruments like insurance.

The GRiF Technical Talks feature a series of short virtual sessions, which will run monthly between May and October in 2021. The Technical Talks aim to provide an overview of GRiF as well as lessons learned from projects around the world. The first session will provide a general overview, background, and lessons learned, and then the following 5 sessions will focus on country-specific projects.

This pre-event survey will help us ensure that this program is demand-driven and caters to your learning needs. Your opinions matter! The survey will take approximately 2 minutes to fill out. Thank you in advance for helping us develop this virtual series.

For inquiries, please contact Kaavya Krishna ( or Peijing Li (
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Full Name *
Official Title *
For example: director, associate, officer, etc.
Official Organization *
Please spell out the full name of your organization.
Type of Organization *
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Country *
Please spell out the full name of your country.
What is your primary objective to attend the GRiF Technical Talks? *
Select all that apply
Which topic(s) would you find most interesting to learn from GRiF projects? *
Select all that apply
Which of the following are you interested in? *
Select all that apply
Please list up to 3 technical topics which are most relevant to you and that we should consider for the virtual series.
Please recommend up to 3 colleagues who may be interested in speaking at the upcoming GRiF Technical Talks.
 Please provide full names, organizations, countries, and emails. For example:(David John, Government of Indonesia, Indonesia;; etc.); If no, please move to the next question.
Additional comments or questions to help us design this virtual series:
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