UNRWA Bonus Puzzle Form
Fill this form out to receive a custom crossword for your UNRWA donation!

Your privacy is important to us. Information you enter into this form will never be made public.
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E-mail *
Name (optional)
How much did you donate to UNRWA (USD)? 
Please enter the numeric value only.
Please enter the receipt number or invoice number or confirmation ID from your donation receipt.
What size crossword puzzle would you like us to make? (length x height)
The size must have an equal or smaller number of total squares than your donation. 
Please list any entries, along with clues (as applicable) that you would like us to include in your custom puzzle, in order of preference or importance. You may also include interests or hobbies of yours to factor in as we are able.

All entries must fit into the grid size noted above. We will try to include as many entries/ideas of yours as possible but cannot guarantee we can use everything listed.
Is there anything you would like us to specifically avoid in your puzzle? (optional)
Difficulty Level (roughly) *
What email should we send your completed puzzle to? *
Anything else to note?
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