All Personal Training Sessions Are Subject To The Following Terms And Conditions
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1. I understand that FORGED IN FITNESS  operates on a pre-pay basis and all areas of my package must be paid for in advance. Bookings will not be confirmed until payment has been received by the trainer.
2. I understand that once my trainer and I have agreed upon the most appropriate training programme/ package for me, payment must be made before sessions/products are delivered/released to me. I understand that failure to make payment will result in my sessions/products being forfeit.
3. I understand that all pre-paid courses and packages have a EXPIRATION date. Outstanding sessions will not be carried over the completion date, unless a prior agreement has been made with the Trainer. For a block of 4 sessions (1 a week) there is a 1 MONTH expiry date, For a block of 8 sessions (2 a week) there is a 5 WEEK expiry date and for 10 sessions (1 a week) there is an 11 WEEK Expiry date. This Expiry date is exactly 1 month, 5 weeks or 11 weeks after your first session WITH NO EXCEPTIONS.
4. I understand that I must contact my Trainer directly to cancel or change booked sessions. I understand that if I need to cancel a training session (even a consultation) I will need to contact my Trainer within 24 hours of the session time. No refunds will be given for missed sessions unless exceptional circumstances arise or an emergency. No shows will also warrant a loss of a session. AFTER 2 CANCELLED SESSIONS YOU WILL FORFEIT ALL OF YOUR REMAINING SESSIONS WITH NO REFUND
5. I understand all sessions will last 1 hour unless otherwise stated and will start and finish on time. I also understand that my Trainer may not be able to provide a full hour if I am late and I will be unable have the outstanding time added to another session. 
6.  I understand the results of any training programme or coaching course aren’t guaranteed and my progress depends on my effort and cooperation in and outside of the sessions. 
7.  I understand that there are inherent risks in participating in a programme of strenuous exercise. If I sustain any injury while participating in the fitness programme, I acknowledge that my Trainer is not responsible, except where the injury was caused by the gross negligence or intentional act of my Trainer.  
8.  I certify that I am fit and able bodied. I am able to participate in a personal training programme and I have no underlying health conditions that may cause harm to myself or my trainer. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to inform my Trainer of any illness or health conditions or changes in my health, now and on-going, which might affect my ability to exercise safely and with minimal risk of injury. 
9.  I understand that in the unlikely event of my Trainer being unable to continue my training, I can have a full refund on outstanding sessions within my package.
10.  I understand that Jon Doherty is a self-employed, independent, freelance trainer. I acknowledge that I am entering into a contract with FORGED IN FITNESS I have read and agreed to all terms and conditions and understand I am bound by them for the duration of my training package. No exceptions will be made.  *
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