Oakley Safe Intersections Walking/Destination/Bikeability Survey
The Oakley Safe Intersections team is inviting you to participate in our Oakley walking, destinations, and bikeability survey. We are looking to collect information that can provide us insight concerning these topics, as we continue our efforts to document our needs and priorities. End goal is to produce a robust safety plan that can be used to apply for, and receive, funding to complete our vision.

This survey contains several sections, which will help us better identify patterns, problem spots, etc. If you participated in the 2017 Oakley Master Plan survey, you will see some similar questions - we want to be able to  gauge changes from 6 years ago. The sections include:
  • About You
  • Housing Situation
  • Work/Commuting Habits
  • Walkability, Favorite/Least Favorite Destinations
  • Oakley Pedestrian Tunnel
  • Oakley Bikeability
We encourage you complete all the appropriate questions, so that we can produce clear community vision.

You can find details about the Safe Intersections project and our mobile application here:  Safe Intersections Project

Thanks you in advance for your participation.

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