2022 Data Science Research Bazaar Interactive Discussion Sessions
The Research Bazaar will hold a month of events related to the overarching theme of Data and Communities: Sharing and Protecting Data. The events will include a number of 90-minute interactive discussion sessions. The goal of the sessions is to facilitate conversation and community-building around an issue, question, service, or project that is related to one of the Research Bazaar sub-themes. The sessions are expected to engage audience discussion in some way, but are otherwise very flexible in format, which is up to the presenter. The planning committee welcomes all proposals for 90-minute sessions and encourages submitters to think creatively about the discussion topic and format.

The focus of the interactive discussion session may fit into one of the Research Bazaar sub-themes related to the overarching theme of Data and Communities:
- Data Ethics
- Methodologies & Tools
- Open Data, Software, and Curricula
- Protected Data
- Communities with Data / Data about communities

The 90-minute interactive discussion sessions will be held in designated rooms (virtual or in-person) where attendees will be able to join and speak with the presenters. If the presenters choose the virtual option, they will have access to Zoom features such as breakout rooms, reactions, etc. as needed for the format they propose.

Below are some ideas for inspiration (but are not requirements or endorsements):
1. [Example] Short presentation with feedback sought on an issue/service/project related to a Research Bazaar sub-theme. Example from a previous Research Bazaar: https://sched.co/XE7L
2. [Example] Facilitated small group discussions of an issue/service/project related to a Research Bazaar sub-theme. Example from a previous Research Bazaar: https://sched.co/YfHk
3. [Example] Series of lightning talks and discussions related to a Research Bazaar sub-theme.
4. [Example] Moderated community discussion of an issue/service/project related to a Research Bazaar sub-theme. Example from a previous Research Bazaar: https://sched.co/XE7I
5. [Example] A panel discussion related to a Research Bazaar sub-theme.
6. [Example] A group story telling session on one of the sub-theme topics. For example, a story slam about how communities use open data.

Your proposal will be evaluated based on how it addresses the following questions:
1. How does your session relate to the conference theme of Data and Communities: Sharing and Protecting Data?
2. How might attendees leverage or use the information in the session?
3. What is the format of your session? (including the schedule for proposed activities)
4. How do you intend to make the session interactive (examples: moderated breakout rooms, facilitated discussion, online polling, etc.)?
5. How is the session relevant to a Research Bazaar sub-theme?

If you have questions about whether your proposal may be appropriate for this session, please feel free to email contact@datascience.wisc.edu.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Contact email *
Company/Affiliation *
Would you prefer your session be in-person or virtual?
Note: We may move all in-person session to virtual depending on the current best practices for large events.  We will create a back-up Zoom room for all sessions in case they need to be moved.
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Which sub-theme does your interactive discussion session fit under? *
Interactive discussion sessions must fit one of the sub-themes.
Are there any collaborators you will be planning this session with?  Please include their names and email addresses.
e.g. Bucky Badger (bucky@wisc.edu), Rebecca Blank (chancellor@wisc.edu), ...
Please provide the title of your interactive discussion session. *
Please provide a brief description of your proposed interactive discussion session. (Please try to use plain language and limit to 300 words.)
Successful proposals will clearly and succinctly describe a session that will fit the 90-minute timeframe. Your proposal will be evaluated based on how it addresses the following questions: (1) How does your session relate to the conference theme of Data and Communities : Sharing and Protecting Data? (2) How might attendees leverage or use the information in the session?  (3) What is the format of your session? (including the schedule for proposed activities) (4) How do you intend to make the session interactive (examples: moderated breakout rooms, facilitated discussion, online polling, etc.)? (5) How is the session relevant to a Research Bazaar sub-theme?
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