Effects of Videos and AI on Academic Learning

(This survey is intended for students. If you are a university professor, please click HERE  to access the survey designed for professors. Thank you.)

Dear Participant,

We, a group of researchers at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of FEUP, kindly invite you to participate in a short survey about the use of videos and artificial intelligence (AI) as supplementary tools for learning academic subjects. Your opinions as a university student/researcher are vital for our research. This anonymous survey consists of 23 questions. All data will be examined at our group level, and no personal or identifiable information will be requested. The results of this research are purely scientific and will be published in a journal paper and presented at the “4th International Conference on Science and Technology Education, FEUP, Porto, Portugal (https://www.fe.up.pt/ste/2024/)”.

Thank you in advance for your participation and valuable feedback.

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a- What is your gender? *
b- What is your field of study? *
c-  What is the year of your entry at the university *
d- Is Portuguese your first language?  *
1- Have you used video learning resources as support for classroom learning? *
2- In your opinion, what are the main benefits of using video learning resources as support for classroom learning? (Multiple choice is possible)
3- In your opinion, what are the main drawbacks or limitations of using video learning resources as support for classroom learning?   (Multiple choice is possible)

4- When do you typically prefer to watch videos as a supplementary learning resource?


5- Do you use a specific platform (e.g. YouTube) to find educational videos?

6- What type of video content do you find most helpful for the students? 
7- In general, do you prefer using short videos or longer videos with more detailed information? 

8- Before watching a video as a supplementary learning resource, do you check if it was made by an expert in the field?


9- In addition to the video content, how important is the quality of the video production to you?

10- In which subjects do you think using complementary videos is most effective for teaching students? 

11- Have you ever asked a teacher to show a video to better understand course material?


12- Do you believe that video prepared by a teacher could completely replace in-person instruction?


13- Do you prefer videos prepared based on textbooks or other written materials, so that you can refer back to the written materials as needed?

14- Have you ever used an AI (Artificial Intelligence) based tool for learning academic subjects?
15- Have you ever used chatbots like ChatGPT to find the answers to academic questions ? 
16- How confident are you in using AI tools to enhance your learning experience?
17- In which subject do you think that AI can help you more effectively to learn? 
18- What is your perspective of AI in education? 

19.   Have you ever used AI to do your homework?

20- Do you think AI can replace human instructors in teaching academic subjects? 
21- Would you be interested in taking a course that solely focuses on teaching you AI? 
22- In your opinion, what are the main potential drawbacks of using AI-based tools in engineering courses? (Multiple choice is possible) 
23- Do you think if AI can improve the drawbacks of Video learning such as the lack of interaction with students? 
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