Easter Flower Order Form
If you are interested in purchasing sanctuary flowers for Easter Sunday,  please complete the form below.  After Easter Sunday,  you can either donate your plant(s) or take them home with you.  If you donate your plant(s), the Congregational Care Team will deliver those plants to our shut-ins and others struggling during this holiday season.   Either way, the Easter flower(s) that you purchase will help brighten our sanctuary through Easter!

The price per plant is $10.00.  

As in other years, you may also make a donation to UMCOR (The United Methodist Committee on Relief).  

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Your Name *
Your email address *
I would like to purchase the following number of Easter flower(s).                                                                                (Please make your check payable to "Wesley Church" and write "Easter Flowers" on the memo line.)
I would like to make a donation in the following amount to UMCOR (The United Methodist Committee on Relief).  (Please make your check payable to Wesley Church" and write "UMCOR" on the memo line.)
I would like this message to be in the Easter Sunday bulletin: " In honor of (name)", OR "In memory of (name)", OR "To the Glory of God".  (Please list a message for each plant ordered.)
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