AI4IMPACT Membership Sign-Up
Welcome to AI4IMPACT!

Filling this form will help us understand you better :) Based on your interests, we will share relevant AI initiatives (ie. bootcamp, datathon, webinar, etc) to help you achieve your learning objectives.

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P.S. Both ai4impact and Terra AI fully comply with Singapore's Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA). You can decide to unsubscribe anytime.
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Your Name *
Email Address *
Your Background *
If you're a student, which education level are you currently at?
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Have you had any experience building your own machine learning model/s previously? *
What topics interest you? *
What do you hope to gain from AI4IMPACT? *
Are you currently looking for data science / AI internship or full-time position? *
Are you currently looking for AI research or project collaboration? *
What activities would you be most interested to participate? *
Not interested at all
Not interested
Very interested
Technology Seminar / Webinar
Technical Workshop (Online / Offline)
Competition / Hackathon
Industry Sharing Session
Do you have any ideas or suggestions on how we could make AI4IMPACT more valuable to you and others? *
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