Ethereum Meetup Support Program
We’re excited you’ve decided to take this step and apply to be apart of Ethereum Meetup Support Program (EMSP) 🙌🏻 Tell us about yourself and your meetup group so we will know more about you and your community.  Submitting this form will be followed by a conversation with someone from EMSP team to learn more about you, talk about next steps, and answer any questions you might have. Informations will be used for internal purposes dedicated to this program. Make sure to put correct informations in this form.

This is 100% free program and we will not ask you for any financial compensation.
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Full Name *
Email *
Your Twitter handle ( *
Your Discord username ( example Felix#1111) *
What city do you currently reside in? (City, Country) *
What is your current profession? *
What gets you most excited about Ethereum? How do you envision Ethereum and Decentralisation changing the world? *
Have you organized meetups before? *
Link to your meetup group *
Links to social media accounts connected to your meetup group (your community Twitter, Telegram channel, Discord...) *
What is your favourite meetup / event? Why? *
Anything else you would like to share with us?
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