Project Solicitation
Projects submitted to this form will be placed on a webpage made available to undergrads so they can view available project(s). This form collects your email address so that you will receive a response receipt for submitting a project. If you need to edit your project, use the link provided in that email to edit your response to this form.

Please be as informative as possible. If you have any questions, contact McKenna (
If you have filled the research position or are no longer looking for someone to fill the position, please fill out the Project Removal form (

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Email *
Contact Name *
Contact Email for Project *
Please submit the email that will serve as the MAIN contact point for undergraduates to submit interest. This can be different from the email collected from submitting this form.
Which department is your project under? *
Lab *
Project Research Area *
Provide a general category of the research area the project encompasses.
Provide a short title for the project. *
Title must be <60 characters.
Provide a few sentences describing the project. *
What prerequisites are required or recommended for this project? (please specify required or recommended)
What skills/proficiencies will an undergraduate gain from this project? (eg. Python coding, microscopy, chemical synthesis) *
What type of work would an undergrad do day-to-day? (e.g. coding, bench work, etc.) Will the undergrad be on campus, LBNL, or JBEI? *
Is remote work an option? *
What is the approximate project start date? *
How much time do you expect from your undergrad each week? How many semesters are you hoping your undergrad will work? *
e.g. 1 semester with potential extension; 9 hours/week (3 units)
What kind of compensation is available for this project? *
Select whether this position is paid, for credit, both, neither, or list circumstance.
Additional comments.  Please also provide any other information you feel is important for a potential undergrad researcher to know.
You may also wish to create an application form if you anticipate many responses. Please make sure to include the link to that here! 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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