Volunteer Intake Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with MonstrARTity's Monster Arts for Seniors workshops!

The following volunteer position offers up to 3 hours per week of volunteer hours during Fall and Winter.

If you are interested in engaging in the following volunteer activities, kindly fill out the form below and we will contact you with more information:

- Helping to translate and interpret live virtual art workshops for South Asian seniors

- Acting as a brand ambassador for MonstrARTity Creative Community on social media

- Assisting MonstrARTity team members with hosting workshops, ie. engaging participants in friendly conversation before and after workshops.
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Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number
Age *
Date of Birth *
Parent/Guardian's Name (If Volunteer is under 18)
How did you hear about this volunteer opportunity?
Please indicate your availability: *
Please indicate which languages you feel comfortable translating in: *
Please enter any social media handles you use: Ex. @MonstrARTity - Instagram
You can also copy and paste the web address of your profile page.
Do you need a letter to confirm your volunteer hours? *
I am okay with being recorded during virtual workshops for funding and marketing purposes: *
Do you have any questions for us?
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