Join The Interviewerr Slack Community
Welcome! 👋

Once a month we add a select number of people into our slack community.

This community is dedicated to topics related to and surrounding Interviewerr, and the professions that interact or use the tool.

We have a number of great channels including but not limited to:
# product-feedback
# product-updates
# customer-support
# job-posts

As well as a number of channels dedicated to specific professional foci, inclusive Journalism, User research, student work, project management and more.

We ask that if you'd like to join our community you take the engagement pledge:*
A community is only as strong as it's activity, and as you probably know, no one likes a dead slack group! By taking this pledge you assert that you will do your part to actively engage in community conversation, product feedback, and make suggestions as to how the group could improve.

We also ask you to take our community ethics pledge:**
Our community is a safe place for exchange and learning about a variety of topics and professions who rely on qualitative data collection and use. As part of our community you must pledge not to make any discriminatory or hateful remarks of any kind towards members or the community or any other person or peoples.

*/** Users who are inactive for a number of months (therefore breaking the engagement pledge) or who make hateful remarks (breaking the ethics pledge) will be permanently removed from the community.

Thanks for joining us, and see you on the inside!
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What is your full name? *
What is your profession? *
What are you hoping to get out of the Interviewerr slack community? *
What are your expectations?
Is there anything particular you would like to, or feel you could contribute to the Interviewerr community? *
Engagement Pledge *
By checking the below box I pledge to engage regularly with the Interviewerr slack community, both by starting and contributing to conversations, as well as reacting, providing feedback, and otherwise assisting the community to improve in it's value both to myself and other community members. I understand that lack of activity over a period of several weeks or months may result in my removal from the community.
Ethics Pledge *
By checking the below box I pledge to uphold the ethics of the Interviewerr community by not participating in, submitting or sending hate speech of any kind both publicly or in private messages; including the use of derogatory or hateful remarks towards people or persons by gender, race, sexual preference or creed. I understand that by participating in or using speech that may be deemed hateful or derogatory within the community will result in my permanent removal from the community.
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