Yoga Private Request Form
Please fill out this form to give us an idea of what kind of training you are looking for, any goals and/or concerns you may have. Also Day(s) and time(s) that you would like to train.
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First and Last Name *
email *
What are your goals (if any) for private yoga (understanding the practice better, working around an injury, class time don't fit in my schedule etc...) *
Any injuries or condition we need to be aware of? *
How many days a week are you looking to practice? *
Duration of session. *
What days would you like to train and/or meet for coaching session (subject to availability) *
What time of day are you looking for? *
Please list your top three day and time for training below (i.e. Monday and Wednesdays  10:30am and so forth). this will help us plug you into our schedule
How would you like us to contact you, so we can work out a schedule and answer any questions you may have? *
Please provide your phone number if you chose text or call above. (We'll use the email you provided at the top of this sheet for emails) *
Thank you for your interest in Private Yoga, We will get back to you asap.
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