i-Learner 線上聖誕派對2024報名登記表

Jingle, Learn, and Play! Join us for a Merry Christmas Day!


Date 日期: 2024-12-20 (Friday 星期五)

Time 時間: 4:45 - 5:30 PM

Duration 活動時長: 45 mins

Method 活動形式: ZOOM Online

Register for FREE 免費登記

Each participant will receive an electronic Christmas gift sent by BugBug! 每位參加者都會收到一份由BugBug送出的電子聖誕禮物!


To register, please fill out this form by 2024-12-17. Students who successfully register will receive the event link on 2024-12-18 and can join using Zoom. For any inquiries, you can reach out via WhatsApp or call +852-9388 6251 (Hong Kong) or +853-6646 1513 (Macau).

*The event will be fully recorded.  

請於2024-12-17或之前填寫此表格登記。成功報名的同學將於2024-12-18收到活動鏈接,同學可以使用ZOOM登入參與。如有問題,可WhatsApp或致電852-9388 6251(香港) 853-6646 1513 (澳門)查詢。


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Q1. School Name 學校名 *
Q2.  Student Name 學生姓名: *
Q3.  Student Grade 學生年級
Q4. WhatsApp聯絡號碼: *
We will use this number to send the Zoom login link for the event on the day and information about future i-Learner activities. If parents prefer not to receive such information in the future, they can contact us via WhatsApp at +852-93886251. 我們將透過這個號碼發送當日的 Zoom 登入活動連結以及 i-Learner 未來活動的相關資訊。如家長日後不希望收到相關資訊,可透過 WhatsApp 至 852-93886251 與我們聯絡。
Q5. Email 聯絡電郵:  *
This can be used for sending event information. 以發送活動資訊。
Q6. i-Learner platform username  (if applicable)平台登入賬號(如適用)
f the student is an existing user of the i-Learner online learning platform, please provide your login account. We will reward you with 200 Buddy Coins after the event. (Please note that if the account is filled in incorrectly, you will not be able to receive the coins, so please be careful!)  如果同學是i-Learner網上學習平台的現有用戶,請提供個人登入賬號,我們會在活動後贈送200個書蟲金幣。(如果賬號填寫錯誤,將無法取得金幣,敬請留意!)
Q7 Region 地區 *
Personal Information Collection Statement 個人資料收集聲明
The personal information provided by you is collected by i-Learner. Please refer to the following personal information collection statement. You may reserve the right to provide any non-mandatory personal information to us. However, we are not able to process your application in case you fail to and do not intend to provide the mandatory personal information to us. All personal data provided by you will be used for registration, contact, market investigation, and analysis of this event only. They are to facilitate us to send promotional materials about different types of services of i-Learner you might be interested in. *All intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright) of all content (including but not limited to webinar content) of video recorded or audio-recorded materials, and materials filmed by the organizer belongs to the organizer.

您提供的個人資料將由 i-Learner 收集。請參閱以下的個人資料收集聲明。您有權保留向我們提供任何非必填的個人資料。但是,如果您未能提供並且沒有意向向我們提供必填的個人資料,我們將無法處理您的申請。您提供的所有個人資料僅用於此次活動的註冊、聯絡、市場調查和分析。這些資料將有助於我們向您發送您可能感興趣的 i-Learner 不同類型服務的推廣材料。*所有視頻或音頻材料(包括但不限於網絡研討會內容)的所有內容以及主辦方拍攝的材料的所有知識產權(包括但不限於版權)均屬於主辦方。
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