Club Ukiyo Application
Welcome to Club Ukiyo! An event held by Anime USA 2022 taking place in the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Crystal City, Virginia. Here, Hosts and Hostesses treat our guests to lovely dinner-side entertainment through endearing conversation, captivating performances, and overall fun.
Email *
What is your full legal name? *
What is your phone number? *
What is your preferred contact method? *
Will you be at least 21 years of age at the time of the convention? *
What is your current age? *
What days of Anime USA 2022 can you attend? (October 14th through the 16th) Choose all that apply. *
What position are you applying for? *
Why do you want to become a member of Club Ukiyo? *
Would you need a hotel room in order to attend Anime USA? *
Have you ever worked at Club Ukiyo as a member of our staff? *
A short video interview may be required for this position, would you feel comfortable with this? *
Being a member of Club Ukiyo requires a degree of entertaining, what skills do you have that would make you stand out? *
Club Ukiyo serves alcoholic beverages. Are you okay in an environment that caters towards the consumption of alcohol? *
Are there any socials you'd like to include? (IE, instagram, facebook, etc.)
Please include a link to an online photo album of yourself. *
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