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Vending Opportunities Application
This form is designed to gather information from vendors interested in vending at 3rd Annual Tiesha’s Bounce Back Convention on March 1, 2025. Here’s the link to secure your vending ticket
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* Indicates required question
Type of items you are vending
Please specify the types of items you plan to sell through vending.
Your answer
Do you agree to paying $65 to vend?
This fee is required for all vendors. Please select your response.
What's the name of your business?
Please provide the official name of your vending business.
Your answer
Social media handles
Please provide your business's social media handles (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, Twitter).
Your answer
Contact information
Please provide your contact information including phone number and email address.
Your answer
Preferred method of contact
How do you prefer to be contacted?
Item pricing range
What is the average price range of the items you will be vending?
Your answer
Target audience
Who is your target audience for your vending products?
Your answer
How did you hear about this vending opportunity?
Please let us know how you found out about this opportunity.
Social Media
Online Search
Additional comments or questions
Please include any additional comments or questions you may have regarding the vending opportunity.
Your answer
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