Mentorship Program Application Form
The Mentorship Program brings together all Chemical Engineering students from Cal Poly Pomona by pairing up upperclassmen with incoming CHE students to build up their potential by providing first-hand advice on classes, resumes, internships, research programs, etc. At our mentorship meetings throughout the school year, we will have interactive activities for all participants in order to get to know each other better!

- Becoming a MENTOR:
Must be taking CHE 3000 level classes or above.
(e.g. Transport Phenomena I (CHE 3111), Thermodynamics I (CHE 3021) etc.)

- Becoming a MENTEE:
Must be a Chemical Engineer Major and AIChE member.

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Name *
Untitled Title
CPP Email Address *
Phone Number *
Bronco ID *
Class Standing *
Position you are applying for *
As a mentee, what are the areas of interest you would like to discuss with your mentor?
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