Submit Your Bigfoot Encounter
Your last name, phone number, address and email will NOT be shared and you may also choose to remain anonymous.

If you would like to contact us ASAP please call or text us at (502) 435-2771.

Please answer each question honestly and include as much detail as possible. Please do not embellish your encounter, in other words please don’t add any extra information which you did not observe.

NOTE: An investigator will contact you for a follow-up interview by telephone if you have had a visual or other significant encounter.  All other information provided in this documented is used for tracking purposes.

Thank you for taking the time to contact us!

Lyndsey and Charlie Raymond
Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization
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Full Name: *
City: *
County: *
Date of encounter: *
Time of day: *
Number of witnesses: *
Was this a visual sighting?: *
Please describe the encounter (please include distance, time length and physical description if the creature was in view): *
Was this your first encounter with these creatures:
Phone number:
(Kept Confidential)
Email address: *
(Kept Confidential)
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