Submit an Event/ News Item to PartnersBPS
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name  *
Name of Event/ News Item *
Write the name as you would like it to appear on the site.
Description of Event/News Item
Links you would like included and how you would like them displayed
e.g. Text to Display: PartnersBPS Links to:  = PartnersBPS
Links to any flyers/ images etc. you would like displayed
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Event Start Date and Time 
If you would like us to promote a News Item, Start Date refers to when you would like us to post the item.  
Finish Date and Time (or date after which information is no longer relevant). 
If you would like use to promote a News Item, Finish Date refers to the date after which the News Item will no longer be relevant and you would like us it remove it from the website. If there is no Finish Date you can leave this question blank.
Name of Organization promoting the Event/ News Item 
Event Website 
Event Cost 
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