Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: An international multi-centre survey on the medical and dental students' perception
The emerging field of artificial intelligence (AI) has attracted a great deal of attention in Medicine and Dentistry. The advent of commercially available AI products has created new challenges and stirred debate.

AI will probably significantly affect the practice of clinical and academic Medicine and Dentistry for the next generation of doctors/dentists. Therefore, we have designed this survey to estimate the impact of AI on undergraduate students in Medicine and Dentistry and ignite an open discussion on these emerging technologies.

Optional: Win an AI certified online course (or an Amazon voucher) by submitting the most original responses to the short-answer questions.

If you're interested in helping us distribute this survey please fill out this form:

Disclaimers: 1) Participation in this study is completely voluntary.
2) If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch:
3) The data collection is anonymous. The anonymized data may be used in academic publications and will be stored (maximum 3 years) in a password-protected electronic file. Main authors will have access to the anonymized data. On request, it could be shared with selected UCL faculty members to verify that we are complying with the data guidelines.
4) The authors do not receive any funding and do not have any conflict of interest.
5) By clicking "Submit", you agree to participate with the understanding of how the anonymized data will be used.

To see progress on the study and quotes of the answers of other students follow us on Instagram: 
What type of student are you? *
What year of study are you in? *
In which country do you study Medicine/Dentistry? *
Please specify your Medical/Dental School: *
Gender *
Age (years) *
 I consider myself a tech-savvy person. *
Artificial intelligence is an umbrella term encompassing many technologies (e.g. 'Machine Learning'). Do you have a basic understanding of these technologies ? *
Currently, AI has many applications in Medicine (e.g. AI-assisted robotic surgery). How familiar are you with these applications? *
Many applications we use in daily life already use AI (e.g. speech-/text-recognition, email spam-filters). How familiar are you with these applications? *
From which of the following sources do you obtain information regarding AI?
'Artificial Intelligence' as a topic in Medicine
AI in medical research is rapidly evolving. Healthcare AI projects attracted more investment than any AI projects in any other field globally. How aware are you? *
 ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and ‘Deep Learning’ are currently being broadly discussed in the medical community. How aware of this are you? *
To what extent do you feel you have an understanding of the technologies which underpin ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and ‘Deep Learning’? *
Which of the following potential applications for AI in Medicine do you think will be utilised in the future? *
In what medical specialty, do you think AI will have the biggest role in 20 years? *
 As a future doctor/dentist, what are your main concerns regarding AI? *
 As a future doctor/dentist, if given the choice, how often would you incorporate AI in your medical practice? *
Feelings and attitudes towards 'Artificial Intelligence' in Medicine.
 In your personal opinion, how accurate are the following statements?
I perceive AI in Medicine as a partner rather than as a competitor. *
Artificial intelligence will revolutionise Medicine/Dentistry in general. *
The non-interventional physician will be replaced in the foreseeable future. *
In the foreseeable future, all physicians will be replaced. *
These developments frighten me. *
These developments make Medicine in general more exciting to me. *
Artificial intelligence will never make the human physician expendable. *
Artificial intelligence will improve Medicine in general. *
Artificial intelligence should be part of medical/dental training. *
In your own words, what are the things that you find most appealing about Artificial Intelligence in Medicine? (in a few words/sentences)
In your own words, what are the things that you would most like to see and hear about Artificial Intelligence during your medical studies? ((in a few words/sentences)
Email for prize consideration:
Full name of the person who referred you (if applicable):
We are currently looking for volunteers to help us to distribute the survey amongst their peers and in medical schools worldwide. If you are interested please write your name and email below (ideally university email) for more information or fill out our form: . Chance to be awarded a certificate, acknowledgement or even co-authorship!
Type this code: WT1JUB *
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