HCW HOSTED Registration of Interest
Welcome to HCW HOSTED!

Thank you for your service on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now it’s our turn to serve you.

Please fill out the following survey so that we can match you with available housing. After you submit this survey, a HOSTED coordinator will call you in 1-2 business days.

Please note: we currently only have housing available in Tucson, AZ.
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Part 1: Contact info
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Phone number *
Preferred contact method *
What is the best time of day to reach to reach you? *
Would you like to be contacted in Spanish? *
Part 2: Work Information
What is the name of your primary employer *
Name/Location of your primary work site
What is your job title *
Part 3: Current Health Status Related to COVID-19
In the past 14 days, have you experienced any symptoms of COVID-19? *
Do you have any of the following conditions? (check all that apply) *
Part 4: You and Your Household
In what year were you born?
Zip code of permanent residence
What town are you currently residing in? *
In your permanent residence, do you live with children?
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In your permanent residence, do you live with someone with any of the following conditions? (check all that apply)
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Name and phone number of an emergency contact we may reach out to (in an emergency)
Name of emergency contact *
What is your relationship to the emergency contact? *
Phone of emergency contact: *
Questions and comments
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