Perfect Piece of the Puzzle, Inc. Prospective Board Member Questionnaire
Mission: Striving to improve the quality of life for special needs families.

Purpose: Advocating for children, Perfect Piece of the Puzzle, Inc. assists families on their journey to find appropriate programs for special needs children.  We offer guidance to families who are overwhelmed with the processes, and support them through their plight to find necessary resources.

About us: Helping special needs families that have found it hard going through this journey.  Here to provide the support and resources needed.

Why us: Every other organization specifically only support children on the Autism Spectrum.  Perfect Piece of the Puzzle, Inc. supports every child/family dealing with the broad scope of developmental disabilities.

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Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
What makes our mission meaningful to you? *
Do you or someone you know have a family member with a disability? *
What are some of your prior board/leadership experiences? *
What skills, connections, resources, and expertise do you have to offer and are willing to use on behalf of the organization? *
Do you have any worries or concerns about joining the board? *
Do you have personal aspirations that could be enhanced by board service? *
How much time a month can you commit to meetings and serving the mission? *
What motivates you? *
What were your expectations from managing the nonprofits where you’ve served as a board member?
Are you willing to make a financial commitment? *
How important is socially interacting with other members?
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