Get Fit Job Application
At Get Fit we value our team members; they are a large part of our success. Every team member works together to provide the absolute best customer experience as soon as they walk in the door. Knowing how important each team member working well together is, we take great consideration into who we hire to be on the Get Fit team.
We look for extraordinary people who want to serve our customers and community while following our Core Values: Customer Focused, Encouraging, Community Driven, and Knowledgeable. Our Mission Statement is: Encouraging and Strengthening our community through Activity. We want all members on our team to have this mindset and to always be kind, courteous, and have fun!
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E-mail *
Name: *
Phone Number *
Have you shopped at Get Fit? *
Team hours vary between 10a.m. - 6p.m.  Mon-Sat. Is there anytime during those hours you cannot work? *
Ideal number of hours per week *
What is the highest academic level you  have completed? *
Do you have retail experience? If so, where did you work, what did you do, and how long did you work? *
What does customer service mean to you? *
Are you currently employed?  *
When would you be available to start? *
Two References (Non-family members).
Phone Number:
E-mail Address:
Relationship to them:
Employee History #1
Business Name:
Phone Number:
Supervisor Name:
Your Job Title:
Job Description:
Dates of Employment:
Employee History #2
Business Name:
Phone Number:
Supervisor Name:
Your Job Title:
Job Description:
Dates of Employment:
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