Year 7 Sport Preference Sheet 2022
- Please submit this by Friday the 10th of December, 2021.
- If this form is submitted after the 10th of December 2021, it may result in preferred sports not being available.
- Students are able to indicate 3 preferences for each term.
- Each sport may only be selected ONCE per term.
- Please complete this form with your son or daughter.
- Each term runs for approximately 10 weeks.
- Students are walked or bussed (under supervision) to relevant venues.
- Selected students will compete against other Kingston District schools.
- The College intends to give students their first preference for each term. However, dependent on numbers, some of the sports below might not run.
- Check our website for more information.
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Email *
Email address (Parent/Guardian) *
Student Name (Last name) *
Student Name (First Name) *
Gender (Student) *
Have you applied for the Elite Sports Pathway (ESP) program at Parkdale Secondary College? *
If yes, please indicate sport below.
Does your child play sport outside of school? *
If yes, please advise the sport and level (e.g age group, team, rep etc.) in 'other'
Does your child have a condition which may prevent them from participating in certain sports or activities? *
If so, please specify in 'other'
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