Commercial Site Quote Form
This form is for if you need a quote for a small commercial site
電子郵件 *
Full Name:
Phone Number:
What city/town is site located? *
Entry Way *
Offices *
1/2 Bath's *
Large Facility Bath's with Mult. Stalls *
Kitchens (Small) *
Restaurant Kitchen's *
Meeting Rooms *
Single Table Dining Area *
3-6 Table Dining Area *
7-12 Table Dining Area *
Item's that need dusting *
Laundry/Mud rooms *
Square Ft of Facility  *
Is There Any Room's/Area's Needing Cleaned Not Listed ? Please Explain Below
Where did you hear about us ? *
請勿利用 Google 表單送出密碼。
這份表單是在 Illuminated Cleaning Company 中建立。 檢舉濫用情形