General Inquiry
If you are looking to rent or use the space for your events or curatorial projects, please fill out as much of the form as possible. We meet once every two - three months and will respond to you as soon as possible.
Email *
Name *
Phone number
Are you or the project associated with any other organization? *
Project description (short line 2-3 sentences) *
Project description in full
Project's Timeline (when is your event or exhibition expected to happen?)
Do you need this event/ exhibition staffed (ie. gallery attendants, volunteers, etc)?
 Is this project open to collaboration with plumb members? If not what is your budget for space rental? *
Are you looking to use the full plumb space or a particular section of the plumb? (Please refer to our website for the floorplan and photos).
Do you have any existing connections to the plumb or plumb members? Have you already been in contact with a plumb member? Please elaborate.
What kind of assistance or extra materials do you need for the project to work at the plumb? (plinths, funding, labour, time, etc)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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