HXNYC 2020 Summer Camp / 华夏纽约中心学校2020夏令营 - Public Speaking and Leadership Skills
* 请家长为每个学生单独填写一份报名表。
** 注册和付费请用同一个email. Please use the same email for both registration and payment
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Email *
Camp Introduction
Class Name: Public Speaking and Leadership Skills
Class Duration:  6-week-long program, meeting once a week through ZOOM for 90 minutes
Class Time:  Thursdays, 5:30-7:00 PM;  6/25 - 7/30

Class Size: 10
Grade Requirement: Grade 6 & up

Tuition:  $165; $150 if registering before  6/15
3)报名一周内申请退费,学费 80%退还,(以注册表报名日期为准)。
4)开学一周后申请退费,学费 50%退还,两周后学费恕不退费。
6)  如果学生有不尊重他人或扰乱课堂正常进行的言语或行为,老师有权让该学生离开教室,这种情况学费不退。

开展远程夏令营是一个全新的尝试,我们的工作难免有不周全之处,欢迎大家提出宝贵的建议和意见。我们大家一起为给孩子们提供高质量的特色网课而努力,使这个别具一格的 Summer Camp 成为孩子们独特的经历。
Parent Name / 家长姓名 *
Phone Number / 联系电话 *
Address / 家庭住址 *
Student Name / 学生姓名 *
Student Age(11y and up) / 学生年龄(11岁以上) *
Thursday / 周四 *
缴费方式 *
缴费信息:账户,学费总额和学生姓名 *
* Please fill the question in format of <PayPal Name/PayPal Email or check# and address, Amount you paid, StudentName>, for example, "Bill Smith, thisisnotourpaypal@donotuse.com, $165, Anna Smith" if you select PayPal, or "#2587, Address, $165, Anna Smith" if you select Check. ** Please note that tuition is $150 if registering before  6/15
By clicking on AGREE below, I recognize fully there are inherent risks involved with participation in this program and agree to release and hold harmless the Huaxia New York Central Chinese School, their employees and volunteers, of any liability whatsoever in connection with any damages and/or injuries that the above named person and/or his/her family may sustain as a result of participation. *
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