Speaker submission for the PG Connects Conference series
Do you have knowledge to share? Would you like to take part in a growing and much-loved conference series? We're always looking for new speakers and panellists to share their expertise and experience across the gaming and digital ecosystem. Let us know below how you would like to get involved.

SOLO TALKS: 20 minutes (including Q&A time if you want it)
PANELS: 40 minutes (including Q&A time)

It's a chance to present yourself, your company and your expertise to a growing audience of relevant contacts and includes a free ticket to the meeting platform (and other VIP benefits during live events). We don't cover travel or accommodation expenses and more details are available at the bottom of the page.

Here are some tips about what makes a great solo presentation: https://www.pgconnects.com/top-tips-for-speakers

Please make sure that your submission is authorised by your company and consistent with its guidelines, and all details are correct because we tend to move quickly and may begin promoting your talk as soon as your submission is authorised by our team.

Any queries about content at any of our events? Please contact Charlie Scowen at
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Which event are you interested in speaking at? *
All events in the series are now live and in-person only, unless stated otherwise. Please be sure you can travel to the destination in question. 
First name *
Last name *
Company *
Job title *
Email address *
Subject / Talk title *
Please provide your talk title or subject area:
Talk topic / Abstract *
Please provide a brief outline of what you're proposing to talk about:
Should your talk topic not fit this event, are you happy to cover another topic or join a panel discussion? *
Please list alternative topics that fit your expertise:
Have you spoken at other events?
If so, please list them below (session links or additional related info welcome):
GDPR consent *
I agree to Steel Media Ltd collecting my personal data from this form, storing it securely and using it only in reference to this purpose. My data will be kept for a period of time suitable for this purpose and I may request it is removed from the database as per the Steel Media Privacy Policy - bit.ly/SM-Privacy-Policy - or as required by law.
Next steps and further details
We'll check over the submission. If successful, you will be informed and provided with additional details.

For live events: if you are selected to speak we will invite you to our exclusive Speakers Reception and you'll also get a VIP conference pass, as well as the opportunity to have a speaker spotlight interview on PocketGamer.biz, PCGamesInsider.biz or BlockchainGamer.biz. Speakers have full access to the meeting platform and may attend the first night party too. Unfortunately, we do not cover travel or accommodation expenses. 

Topics/sessions we're looking for speakers to cover include: live ops, hypercasual, influencer marketing, growth and monetization, global publishing, esports, visions and values (company culture), user acquisition (UA), game production/design (narrative, audio, UX, animation, etc.), blockchain (including NFTs, etc.), HTML5, 5G, market insight, indie development (case studies, failure and success stories also welcome), investment, business strategy, big data, future tech and concepts, local talent, industry trends, and subscription services. We're also open to technical talks, post-mortems, making ofs, roundtables, and workshop ideas. Of course, we're happy to hear from speakers with other ideas alongside these, too!

Please make sure that your submission is authorised by your company and consistent with its guidelines, and all details are correct, because we tend to move quickly and may begin promoting your talk as soon as your submission is authorised by our team.

If your talk doesn't quite fit into our planned content we might ask you to join a panel or ask if you can speak about another subject.

If you are unsuccessful in being selected to speak at this event we will aim to inform you but please note that due to the volume of submissions this isn't always possible.

Looking for tips on what works as a PGC presentation? We have this handy guide: www.pgconnects.com/top-tips-for-speakers

We have more speaking opportunities coming up at future conferences and events down the line, including summits and mixers around the world. If you have any queries please contact Charlie at charlie.scowen@steelmedianetwork.com
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