Snow Shoveling Volunteering Form

The TC-DSA Street Corps Working Group is beginning a program to help those in need of assistance with shoveling their driveways and sidewalks in the Twin Cities. This survey is to gather information and resources in order to achieve this goal. Please take the time to fill it out-- whether you would like to help with shoveling, or if you know of people and places that could use this service, we would love to hear your voice!

By signing up, you will be texted when a snowstorm is detected with an address and time that will need support. If you can attend simply let us know and if not, no worries! Snow Shoveling shifts are expected to only be around an hour. Each shift will have a Shift Lead ready to meet you at the location to direct what needs shoveling.
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What is your name? *
What is your cell phone number? *
Do you have your own shovel that you can bring?
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Are you able to get around the cities during snowy weather to assist with shoveling?
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Would you be able to provide a ride to other volunteers? If so, how many individuals can your vehicle fit including yourself?
Where in the Twin Cities are you located?
You can state a general region such as “South Minneapolis” or your neighborhood such as “North End, St Paul”. This will help us connect volunteers to locations close by.
Do you know any locations that could benefit from shoveling assistance? If so, please describe below and include a specific address.

We would like to assist underserved communities and people who are unable to shovel their driveways and walkways themselves. Make sure to get permission from the person or property owner first or provide their contact information if you have permission.

Do you have any extra of the following items that you could donate to the shoveling effort?
Do you have any questions or suggestions regarding the program? Please state them below.
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