City of La Quinta Residents Day 2/2/25
Do you live in the city of La Quinta, CA? If so, join us at Desert International Horse Park for a free facility tour, exclusive discounts, and to watch some of the top horses and equestrian athletes in the world! Register here to sign up and provide your address for proof of residency. 

It is free to get into our property! We do have an access pass system that can be completed prior to entry or at the gate and you will choose "visitor". The competition at the park runs from approximately from 8 am - 4:30 pm on Sundays. 

 Access Pass Link - DIHP Registration

Facility Map - DIHP Venue Map 

Free facility tours will take approximately 1 hour and will leave from our visitors center at 10 am and 1 pm. Upon arrival you will turn right after entering the front gate and park in the "Spectator Parking Lot" then use our shuttle service (stop A is right outside the spectator parking lot) to go around the park. The DIHP Visitors Center is located on vendor row right off shuttle stop D. We will visit all notable locations on the park, learn the history of the park and about the equestrian sport, and make sure to visit the DIHP Swag Shop to use your exclusive resident's day discount!

NOTE THAT FREE FACILITY TOURS HAVE BEEN FULLY SOLD OUT AS OF 4:00 PM PST on 1/14/25! - If you are interested in purchasing a facility tour during our season please visit -

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