Keep Farmers Markets Open!
It is our firm conviction that farmers markets are essential to community food security, and should remain open during the COVID-19 crisis. Join us in urging our leaders to continue exempting farmers markets from closure as vital parts of the food system, along with other grocery store and food retail outlets.

1. Farmers Markets Are Essential: Our open-air markets are important and necessary food outlets for community members from all economic backgrounds across the DC metro area to purchase healthy, fresh, nutritious food.

2. Farmers Markets Allow You to Shop Direct: Shopping at our markets means that you can purchase fresh, nutritious food from as close to the source as possible.

3. Farmers Markets Support Our Region: Farmers markets are essential to the livelihood of farmers and food producers. Shopping at farmers markets means you are supporting your local economy, which is especially critical in this time of uncertainty.

FRESHFARM markets are taking the following steps to keep our customers, vendors and staff safe:

- Vendors and customers are encouraged to stay home if not feeling well and we are asking that everyone practice social distancing of at least 6'.
- We have added hand washing and sanitizing stations throughout the market.
- We have removed access to customer picnic seating, and encourage customers to limit social gathering at market.
- We have postponed all music and entertainment.
- Farmers and producers have been told to suspend sampling of products at the market, and to restrict access to condiments, silverware, cup lids, etc. to be available upon request.
- Everyone is cooperating to ensure cleanliness of “high touch” items and areas, such as card readers and touch screens.
- Vendors have been told to wear gloves and change them frequently, and have hand sanitizer available.

We ask you sign the digital letter below urging leaders to continue exempting farmers markets from closure so we can continue providing a vital service and feed our community. We are encouraging local leaders to list farmers markets among places individuals may leave their residence to conduct “Essential Business" along with grocery stores and food banks. Similar declarations have already been made in San Fransisco, CA (, San Mateo, CA (, Minnesota (, in Maryland (, and in Pennsylvania (

You can find additional guidance and resources on the farmers market response to COVID-19 on the FRESHFARM ( and Virginia Farmers Market Association ( websites.

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Do you agree that farmers markets are essential to community food security, and should remain open during the COVID-19 outbreak? *
Why do you think farmers markets should or should not remain open?
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