Whose Bucket Did You Fill Today? | Activity form
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Words by Benjimin Kava, 10 | Pictures by Tevita Veamoi, 8
Whose Bucket Did You Fill Today? 
In the weekend, my sister Uheina and I played volleyball. My eldest brother, Sifa, said, “Whoever wins gets Subway cookies!” My sister and I played. Sifa said that the first person to 18 points would win the game. 
So, we started the game and Uheina scored. So I changed from calm mode to serious mode.
I scored two points. After that, I went ultra instinct. Then I won! I gave some cookies to my sister and I filled up her bucket.
1. What game did the author and his sister play? 
1 point
2. What did the eldest brother promise to give the winner? 
1 point
3. How many points were needed to win the game? 
1 point
4. Why do you think the author changed from calm mode to serious mode? 
1 point
5. What did the author do after winning the game? 
1 point
6. What does it mean to fill up someone's bucket
1 point
7. Have you ever filled up someone's bucket before? 
1 point
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8. What are some things you could do at school or home to fill up someone's bucket? 
1 point
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