March 21, 2024 Open Mic Sign Up
Warrior Writers is excited to announce our first Virtual Open Mic of 2024! In 2020 on Veterans Day we held our first ever open mic night, and the success of the evening has made it a regular recurring event for Warrior Writers. Every few months we gather to provide a platform for veterans to share their stories and voices. We invite you to join us again on Thursday, March 21st, through Zoom for an evening art and community. Sign up on this form to grab your spot!

When: Thursday, March 21st, 8:00pm EST.

Where: Through Zoom

How: Please fill out this google form to sign up. Spots are open to veterans, service members, and military family members and caregivers. The first 15 people to sign up are guaranteed a spot; after that, the next 5 people will be put on a waitlist. The list will close after 20 people have signed up. After you fill out this form, you will get a confirmation email with further details by March 19th.

Spots are 4 minutes long, and can include multiple pieces, as long as it's all under the time limit.

This is a free, non competitive, and unpaid event. However, we will welcome you to share your social media handles, websites, Venmo/Paypal/Cashapp information on Zoom if viewers want to show some appreciation for your work!

If you have any questions, email Glynnis at Thank you for sharing your art with us!

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Email *
Full Name *
How you would like to be introduced (if different than above), and phonetic spelling. *
What will you be performing (poem, song, etc.)? *
Where are you located? (city, state) *
Please note if you have a preference for general time slot. We will do our best to accomodate preferences, but cannot guarantee anything. *
Are you: *
We value freedom of speech and encourage expression - in fact, that is what we are here for! However, Warrior Writers does not tolerate hateful content, and if a participant is disrespectful to others, that participant may be asked to leave the space. By checking this box, you agree to this statement. *
Please be aware, this open mic will be recorded and possibly shared online. By participating you agree to appear on the recording. *
How did you hear about this Open Mic? *
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