Rendia Content Request Form
Rendia takes all customers' content requests into consideration. The more information you provide about the need for and details about the topic, the better we can evaluate it for future development in Rendia.

Please submit one form per topic.
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What is your name? *
Email address: *
Name of your practice:
What topic are you requesting? *
Why is it important to add or revise this video in Rendia? *
What is the primary purpose of this topic? *
What is the key take-away message for the patient? Are there common misunderstandings related to this topic? *
Be as specific as possible
Where are you planning to play this video? *
Check all that apply.
Any other information (timeframe, reasons for request, target audience):
Are you willing and able to volunteer as an adviser for this topic? An adviser verifies the key messages and accuracy of the video's planned content and agrees to communicate with our art team via email. *
We can list the adviser's name in the description of the video.
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