Career Fellowship Application 2023
Welcome! šŸŒšŸ©ŗ

Do you want to work out how exactly you can do the most good with your career? Have you completed the Hi-Med Intro Fellowship or engaged with other content from us and would like to implement these ideas?

If yes - we are delighted to help you find out how to do it!Ā 

The Hi-Med Career Fellowship is a 5-week programme designed to help you figure out more concretely what yourĀ high-impact career path might look like, set specific goals, and find actionable next steps. In addition, you will learn different methods to reflect on your career and use decision-making processes, prioritisation, and career planning tools. Ā 
You should have at least 4 hours per week to commit to it.

The Career Fellowship will take place online since we want to match you with other fellows at similar career stages.

Dates: Nov - Dec šŸ“†

You can find moreĀ information here - Ā please read and continue with this application form after reading the document.

Hopefully, we will see you soon!Ā šŸ‘‹

The Hi-Med Team (with your organiser Markus)
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Your first and last NameĀ  *
Your E-Mail *
Your current career stage (university, focus and year of study, or current job)
Where are you currently based? (Country & City)Ā  *
Please select all points that apply to you or add other options on how you've already explored Hi-Med content and career planning. [This helps us to assess the prior knowledge fellows are starting with. It does not influence whether you can participate in the Fellowship.]
What is your personal motivation to participate in the programme?Ā 
How would you define "doing good"? (take ~1-2min to answer)
Suppose you want to donate ā‚¬50. How would you choose where to donate to? Explain your thought process.Ā (take ~ 5 min to answer)Ā 
We are more interested in your thought process than in the decision itself. Feel free to include any uncertainties, considerations or previous experiences/decisions.Ā 
What are your current plans to increase your impact?Ā What do you hope to learn during the fellowship? What are your personal key uncertainties towards your current career plan? (take ~ 3 min to answer)
How did you hear about the Fellowship?
Which day of the week would be best for you to meet online?
Please select all the days you could possibly make each week rather than just those you prefer most.
Do you accept our privacy policy?
Do you consent to theĀ collection, storage and editingĀ (for example, for us to note updates from a follow-up conversation with you)Ā of your dataĀ in the High Impact Medicine databaseĀ and its potential sharing? This will help us to better support you in your career aspirations, enabling us to inform you about career, internship, and research opportunities that might be particularly useful for you. It could also be helpful to share some of your details to connect you with mentors, other organizations or peers interested in similar fields.Ā If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us atĀĀ If at any point you'd like your data deleted please let us know and we will do this.
Your responses in this survey may be used for internal reports and for research purposes, including potential publications
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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