PEAS- Partners for Education, Agriculture & Sustainability Board Member Interest Form (Late 2024-early 2025)
Thank you for your interest in learning more about the PEAS board.  We are currently accepting interest forms for board consideration for late 2024 to early 2025. We look forward to getting to know you and may have an opportunity for you to join a committee in the interim.

Once you have submitted this form, you can expect to get a call from the PEAS Board Chair or Executive Director setting up a get to know you phone call to see if we would be a good fit for each other.  The PEAS mission is to cultivate joyful connection to the natural world through outdoor and edible education.  Our board is committed to being an informed, engaged, and diverse Board with roles that use the strengths of the individual Board members to provide oversight of financial and program alignment with mission, and contribute financially.

I am interested in learning more about what is involved in becoming a PEAS board member *
Name *
Email *
Zipcode *
Phone number *
Professional Occupation *
Previous Board Experience?  Please Explain *
Other relevant experience: *
Were you referred to the PEAS board by a current PEAS board member?  If yes, please share their name below. If no, answer n/a. *
Knowledge/Skills/Experience that may transfer to board service skills *
If other, please share:
How did you find out about PEAS? *
If other, please share:
What interests you about potentially joining PEAS Board? *
Comments- Anything we might have missed?
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