Evidence For Development Podcast Listenership Survey By Christian Aid

Dear Participant,

We are researching to better understand the listening preferences, motivations, and experiences of individuals engaged with podcasts focused on international development and poverty alleviation. 

Your insights will help us improve the quality and relevance of podcast content in this important domain. This survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept anonymous and confidential. Please answer each question as honestly and thoroughly as possible.

We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The information collected will be processed securely, retained only as necessary, and not shared with third parties without your explicit consent, except as required by law.

By proceeding with this survey, you acknowledge understanding this consent note and freely consent to the processing of your personal data for the stated purposes.

Thank you in advance for your valuable contribution to this research.  Your participation is greatly appreciated.

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What is your age group?

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 What is your gender?

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Which country do you currently reside in?

How often do you listen to podcasts?

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 Which platforms do you typically listen to podcasts on? (Select all that applies)
When you open your listening app, how do you decide what to listen to first?
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How long do you typically prefer a podcast episode to be?

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Which areas of international development are you most passionate about? (Select all that applies)

How important is it for you to understand the perspectives and experiences of communities and experts from the global south?

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How often do you take action or seek more information after listening to an episode related to international development and poverty alleviation?

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What are your primary motivations for listening to podcasts focused on international development and poverty alleviation? 

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What challenges or barriers, if any, have you faced in accessing or engaging with content related to international development and poverty alleviation?

Are there any specific topics, regions, or issues related to international development and poverty alleviation that you feel are underrepresented or not adequately covered in current podcast offerings?

 What improvements or changes would you like to see in podcasts focused on international development and poverty alleviation to better meet your needs and interests?

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