Madeira FC Coaching Interest
Thanks for your interest in coaching! Please fill out the below form to the best of your ability. This is not an application, but more of way to show your background, preferences, philosophies for the game, and more.  Not only does this help us get to know you, but it also helps us place you appropriately with different ages and genders.  
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Email *

Phone Number *
Are you in the Cincinnati area? *
Coaching background- in a few sentences please tell us about your background. *
How many years have you coached? *
What level have you coached? *
Do you have any licensure?   *
If you selected "Other," please elaborate.
Do you prefer to work with a specific gender? *
Is there a specific age group you are more comfortable with in regards to your coaching style? *
What are the core coaching philosophies that would describe you as a coach, and what you want to implement with the kids?  This is open ended, but can include how you structure sessions, what you want the kids to understand the most, what you want to avoid that you have seen other coaches/programs do, etc *
Is there anything else you would like to share
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