John H. Watson Society Meeting Survey 2023
This is a bunch of random questions fishing for ideas, and not a binding vote of any kind. Feel free to go nuts on it. Make wishes.
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Which JHWS meeting activities would you like best? (Check all that apply.)
What was your favorite thing we've done at a JHWS meeting to date?
Would you be open to giving a presentation on Watson to the assembled Zoomers at a meeting?
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What is your favorite thing about John H. Watson?
How many other Sherlock Holmes society meetings do you attend each month, live or on Zoom?
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If you could listen to anyone talk about Watson who wasn't a celebrity we'd have to pay, who would that be?
If you had one wish involving John H. Watson, what would it be? 
Do you mind if we ask you a couple questions that have nothing to do with the meetings?
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If you nswer
Would you enjoy being interviewed on the Watsonian Weekly podcast?
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If you answered "yes" to the interview question, give us some notes on why. (Podcaster insecurity, nothing to do with your street cred.) And your email address. (Also, we hope you didn't say yes just to promote something, and then we never hear from you again after the interview.) 
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