Outstanding Academic Librarian Award Nomination Form (Kentucky Association of College and Research Libraries)    2022

The Kentucky Library Association supports awards to encourage and recognize high standards in providing library service throughout the Commonwealth. This Award Nomination Form must be completed in order to be considered.

Please read on for additional information and criteria:

1. Any full-time employee of an academic library in Kentucky is eligible for consideration. Preference will be given to KACRL members.

2. The Nominee will have done one or more of the following:

● contributed significantly to the advancement of academic librarianship and/or information science

● participated in professional organizations

● shown leadership in KACRL

● continually sought professional growth

● contributed to the library profession with publications such as book reviews, articles, books, bibliographies, research papers, or conference presentations

3. At the bottom of this form, you will find a request for nominators to include their rationale along with supporting considerations. The rationale should be no more than 500 words in length.

Nominations will be accepted through Monday, July 5, 2022.

*If you have any questions or do not receive e-mail confirmation of your submission in 1-2 days, please contact the Chair of the KACRL Awards Committee, Sean Kinder,
 at sean.kinder@wku.edu.

Please note: you do not need a Google account to submit this form.

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