The Grey Water Project Ambassador & Chapter Lead Interest Form
Become a Climate Ambassador which this year will be sponsored by Natioal Geographic. Ambassadors will learn environmental leadership skills and take action in your community  to implement change projects no matter which part of the world you are from.

Are you interested in starting a chapter? Educate, Inspire and Empower others by leading the fight to secure a better water futrue for all of us.

Please fill this form if you are interested in starting a chapter of The Grey Water project or if you want to be an ambassador.
Name *
Age (13-21) *
Email *
City, State/Region, Country *
Phone number
What prior experience do you have with environmental work? *
How did you hear about The Grey Water Project? *
Why are you interested in water issues? *
How much time are you willing to commit per week to your position as either an ambassador or a chapter lead? *
Is there anything else you would like to share?
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