Coffee Shop Owner Gut Test 
All questions are answered with a scale from 1 - 5. 5 being the highest or strongest feeling and 1 being the lowest or least feeling. 
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Quiz Questions
Take your time. There is no right answer, this test is meant for you to help gage for yourself if this business is right for you. The more honest you are with yourself the more time you save or the more confident you become. 
It's a good idea (In addition to your test) to have a friend or colleague answer these questions fo as well so you can gain perspective. Merge the scores together and see how you did. 
When you play a game, do you play harder when you fall behind, or do you have a tendency to fold your cards and cut your losses? (5 if you always play harder. 1 if you wilt under pressure) *
1 point
Play Harder
When you go to a coffee shop, ice cream shop or bakery, are you trying to figure out the businesses daily revenues and counting the foot traffic? (5 if you always do this. 1 if you never do this) *
1 point
How creative are you? (5 very creative. 1 not creative at all) *
1 point
Not Creative at all
Very Creative
Do you like being in charge, in control, and in the center of attention? (5 love it. 1 hate it) *
1 point
Hate it
Love it
When things go wrong, is your impulse to look for someone to blame, or is it to look for alternative solutions? (5 Solutions. 1 Blame) *
1 point
Using your friends and co-workers as a barometer, how would you rate your energy levels? (5 High. 1 Low) *
1 point
When you truly believe in something, whether it's an idea or a product, are you able to sell it? (5 Sale. 1 No Sale) *
1 point
No Sale
Do you find yourself spending more of your business fantasy time working on business models or obsessing over coffee? (5 Business. 1 Coffee) *
1 point
When you balance your check book or bank account, are you very precise to the penny or rounding off is good enough? (5 Precise. 1 Round) *
1 point
Do you enjoy cooking for people, hosting or taking care of others in general? (5 TLC. 1 No Care) *
1 point
No Care
How do you feel about borrowing large sums of money and being responsible for their repayment? (5 Fine with it . 1 Not Good) *
1 point
Not Good
Fine with it
Do you view employees as people in service of you or are they people to support in your charge? (5 Support . 1 Service to me) *
1 point
Service to me
Did you work part-time or summer jobs as a youth or did you not work and enjoy your summer break? (5 Work 1 Enjoy) *
1 point
The longer you do something do you tend to find more problems or do you tend to find more solutions? (5 Solutions 1 Problems) *
1 point
Are you always happiest when you are busy or are you happiest when you have nothing to do? (5 Busty 1 Nothing to do) *
1 point
Nothing to do
Do you visit local coffee shops and cafes when traveling? (5 Always 1 Never) *
1 point
In your current business or social environment, are you most often a leader or a follower? (5 Leader 1 Follower) *
1 point
Reviewing significant changes in your life - relocation, career change, relationships. Have you worried about those changes and not acted upon them? Or, after doing some research, did you become excited and look forward to them? (5 Looked forward 1 Worried) *
1 point
Looked forward
Are you willing to fire someone for stealing one minute, serve a customer with a smile the next, negotiate your price for shipping the next minute and step in as barista when the person you fired leaves immediately? (5 Willing and able 1 No thanks) *
1 point
No thanks
Willing and able
Are you willing to listen to experts to improve your business? *
1 point
How did you hear about Cafe Guru? *
1 point
Do you want to be in charge of building your coffee shop from Business Plan, to Interior Design, to Menu Creation, hiring and training etc.? Or do you want to have someone else set it up and you run it when its done?  *
1 point
What is your biggest worry or fear about getting into the coffee shop business?  *
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