Introduction to Markov Modeling
Use this form to sign up for the 'Introduction to Markov Modeling' exercise.

Before continuing, please ensure that you are signed into the correct Google account. The account you are currently signed into appears in bold below.

If you are a student at the University of Alberta, or any other university or workplace that uses Google to provide email services, then your university or work email address serves as your Google account.

If your university or workplace does NOT use Google to provide email services, then you must register your university or workplace email address with Google before signing up for this exercise. This is free and takes only a few moments. You can register your email address with Google here:

If a different account is currently displayed below (e.g. your personal Gmail account), please click 'Switch account' and log into your university or work account instead. Please do not use a personal Gmail account to sign up for this exercise unless you are unable to use a university or work email address.

Once you are logged in to the correct Google account, click the checkmark below to record this as the email to be included with your response.

Next, enter your full name and also the name that you prefer to use informally (e.g. your first name or nickname). For example, I would enter my full name as 'Mike Paulden' and my preferred name as 'Mike'.

Finally, enter the Access Code provided by your instructor. Your instructor will be able to see your progress, view your marks for each step, and provide assistance if you need help at any point during the exercise. Please double check you have entered the Access Code correctly before continuing.

After clicking Submit, you will be emailed a link to your personalized exercise worksheet within a few moments. 

I hope you enjoy the exercise. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Mike Paulden
Email *
Full Name *
Preferred Name *
Access Code *
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