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Show Registration Form
Thank you for your interest in adding your student show to our gallery. You can find more information on the Core77 Student Showcase program here:
For each show please provide the following information:
Sign in to Google
to save your progress.
Learn more
School Name
Your answer
Show Name
Your answer
A short description of the show
Your answer
Identify the focus areas for your show
This will help us match you with professional reviewers
Apparel / Fashion
Built Environment
Experience Design
Footwear Design
Furniture Design
Game Design
Graphic Design
Industrial Design
Interaction Design / User Experience / User Interface
Interior Design
Packaging Design
Research & Strategy
Retail / POP Design
Service Design
Soft Goods
Speculative Design
Systems Design
Toy Design
Transportation Design
Name(s) to credit as organizer/curator of the show
Your answer
Show producer contact name
Your answer
Show producer contact email
Your answer
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