Valley Christian School Technology User Contract Policy


Valley Christian School authorizes the use of its technology in a manner that is Christ-honoring and meets the instructional goals of the school.  


A. Chromebooks and iPads (referred to later in the document as technology resource) are the sole property of Valley Christian School.

B. License Agreements: Students are responsible for complying with any and all hardware, software, and service provider licensing agreements, terms of use, and applicable state and federal copyright and other intellectual property protections. Violation of any such licenses, terms, or laws shall constitute a violation of this contract.  

Acceptable Use

A. Valley Christian School Chromebooks are not to be used for personal profit or nonprofit purposes such as advertising, rentals, selling or buying things, soliciting for charity, or other such uses.

B. Students must not use Chromebooks or computer programs in any manner other than that for which it is intended.  

C. Students must not install software onto Chromebooks unless specifically authorized to do so by a school administrator.

D. Students must not intentionally transmit viruses and other such malicious computer programs via the Valley Christian School computers.  

E. Chromebooks will be treated in a similar manner as other school owned educational tools such as textbooks. Therefore all Valley Christian School policies, rules, handbooks, contracts, and directives, including disciplinary measures, apply to the use of Chromebooks.

F. Loss or theft of Chromebooks must be reported to the school by the first subsequent school day following the loss or theft.

G. Students must not modify, upgrade, or attempt to repair Chromebooks.

H. Use of a personal hotspot is prohibited during school hours  

Acceptable Chromebook Use (MS/HS)

A. Students must bring their Chromebooks to school with them every day unless instructed to do otherwise by a school administrator.

B. Students will bring their Chromebooks to school each day fully charged, realizing that VCS may not be able to facilitate charging during the school day.  

C. Use of a protective case is required.  

Chromebook Liability

A. Students are responsible for all material sent by and stored on the Chromebook. Students accept responsibility for keeping their Chromebook free from all pornographic material, inappropriate files, or files dangerous to the integrity of VCS network, equipment, or software.

B. Valley Christian School is not liable for any material sent by and/or stored on Chromebooks issued to students via the Chromebook Contract.


A. Valley Christian School reserves the right to monitor or access technology resource if it suspects or is advised of possible breaches of security, harassment, or other violations of other school policies, rules, regulations, directives, or law, or evidence exists which demonstrates to the school that its technology may contain information, data, or other intellectual property that belongs to another person.

B. Students have no expectation of privacy in the contents of the technology resource or communications made using the resource.

C. It is a violation of the Valley Christian Technology User Contract to share your password with anyone else, or to access any account belonging to other students, faculty, or staff.

D. Students and parents/guardians understand that VCS does not have control over information found on the Internet. While every attempt is made to block access from inappropriate material while the student is at school, VCS is limited in monitoring student usage of the Chromebook while at home. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to supervise the information that a student is accessing from the internet while at home. Unannounced background, history, and search checks can be done and students with inappropriate material will be disciplined accordingly.

Return of the Chromebook

A. At the end of the school year, a date will be announced on which the students will return their Chromebooks and chargers. On this date, the school will inspect the Chromebooks for damage.

B. Students will be expected to pay for damages determined to be beyond normal wear and tear.

C. Chromebooks and chargers will be left at VCS over the summer for regular maintenance.

D. Students who graduate, withdraw, are expelled or terminate enrollment for any reason must return their Chromebook and charger within two weeks of notifying the school, unless otherwise directed by administration.

Consequences of Inappropriate Use:

Misuse of Chromebooks will not be tolerated. The consequences of violating the Technology User Contract may include but are not limited to:

A. Limits on the use of the technology for a specific period of time;

B. Suspension of the use of the technology resource for a specific period of time;

C. Removal of the technology resource from a student’s possession for a specific period of time;

D. Payment of damages to repair or replace the technology resource;

E. Involvement of law enforcement officers;

F. Further disciplinary actions up to or including expulsion.

Student Expectations

I Will:

1. Never leave my technology resource unattended. This includes leaving it to charge in a location without permission.

2. Make sure the technology resource is not subject to careless or intentional damage (e.g., as a result of horseplay, liquid spills, etc.)

3. Ensure that when the technology resource is being transported, it is as secure as possible.

4. Ensure that my Chromebook is charged every evening and ready for use at school the next day (i.e., plugging it in for charging overnight).

5. Store my Chromebook in a safe place, such as my locker, when not in use (lunch, PE, chapel, etc.).

6. Use the technology resource for the task assigned by my teacher at all times. The device will only be used for educational purposes.

7. Not decorate the technology resource in any way, including the use of stickers or decals, and not allow it to be subject to graffiti/defacing. It is OK for me to use a protective case or sleeve.

8. Not install or download software or any apps that are not approved by administration or teachers.


I have read, understand and agree to abide by Valley Christian Chromebook User Contract for the school year.


(Parents will need to fill out separate contracts for each student)

Student First Name
Student Last Name *
Grade: *


I have read and agree to the Valley Christian Technology User Contract. I understand that if the technology resource or its charger are lost, negligently cared for, or damaged, it is my responsibility. My student will not be given another technology resource or charger until the replacement or repair cost is paid to VCS. I will be charged for the replacement cost at the time of damage.

I have explained to my student what is expected, and I give my student permission to use the technology resource according to the expectations set forth in this agreement

Parent First Name *
Parent Last Name *
At this time I request that my student does not receive access to technology resources provided by the school  and fully recognize that this may impact curriculum delivery.

Opt Out Parent First Name
Opt Out Parent Last Name
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬' 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐭 𝐔𝐬𝐞

Valley Christian School recognizes that with new technologies come new challenges to both teachers and parents. Below is a series of suggestions drawn from a wide variety of professional sources that may aid you, the parent, in effectively guiding your student’s use of technology resources.

•        Take extra steps to protect your child. Encourage your child to use and store the technology resource in an open area of your home, such as the kitchen or family room, so you can monitor what your child is doing online. Use the Internet with your child to help develop safe surfing habits. Children often model adult behavior.
•        Go where your child goes online. Know his or her passwords, profiles, and blogs. Monitor the places that your child visits. Let your child know that you're there, and help teach him or her how to act as he or she works and socializes online.
•        Review your child's online friends list. You may want to limit your child's online "friends" to people your child actually knows in real life. Talk with your child about online behavior, safety, and security early on and continually.
•        Understand sites' privacy policies. Internet sites should spell out your rights to review and delete your child's information.
•        Set time limits and clear expectations for computer use. While the technology resource is a very engaging device, it is a schoolwork device. Care and constant monitoring will reduce your child's exposure to excessive use.
•        Report unwelcome or malicious online threats. Report immediately to the school any online interactions that can be considered threatening.
•        Look into safeguarding programs or options your online service provider may offer; these may include filtering capabilities.
•        Help your child develop a routine. Many parents have found success by helping create a routine for their child's computer use. Define a routine as to how the technology resource is cared for and when and where its use is appropriate. Take a look at the apps or programs. It is to the advantage of the students, parents, and school that the parents have a working understanding of the programs and student work found on the technology resource.
•        Read and share with your child the Technology User Contract. By reading and discussing the care and use policies, you can create a clear set of expectations and limitations for your child.

Please email if you would like a printed copy of this contract for your records. A copy will be available in the front office starting August 23, 2022
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