Let's join our clarinet forces for our embouchure's sake!

Hi 👋
My name is Giuseppe Sapienza and I study performance clarinet at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague (NL).

I will shortly describe this project that aims on helping other fellow clarinettists who, because of nature, face some biological limits that they could not overcome on their own.
☝️ If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them. Write to me at giuseppe.p.sapienza@gmail.com.

Together with the Dutch dentist Dr Merlijn de Vries, we have undertaken research that aims to develop practical solutions to various dental situations that afflict some clarinettists. This survey is a great resource that will help us understand the spread of these disorders.
The issue we are focusing on the most is the asymmetrical embouchure, usually caused by uneven upper incisors. It can result in pain in one or more of the front teeth, dental mobility, jaw problems, tension, pain, and uncontrollable vibrations. All resulting in a time-consuming search for the sweet spot to produce the best sound.

 🌟 With this research, we hope to help those musicians who often had to compromise between their health and music-making. And in the future, offer a better tool for performance and a valuable solution to prevent injuries 🌟

If you would like to stay updated on further developments and be invited to a demonstrative event later this year, you can follow me on Instagram and Facebook or accept a subscription to my newsletter. 

 Before you start the survey, make sure you are ready with:

  • 5-10 minutes of your time, to answer 8 short questions
  • your clarinet (up to you)

Thank you very much for your time and support 🤩
The success of this project depends, above all, on the dissemination of this survey.  So I warmly invite you to share this link with your clarinettist friends and to keep in touch if you have any questions or curiosity about this topic.


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