Intermediate / +2 level Chemistry
Source: Sri P. Ravi Kishore, M.Sc., B.Ed., Govt. Model School & Jr College Teacher, Palakonda
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Which of the following is a heterogeneous solution?
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Identify the solvent in the following solution? Coca cola
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A mixture of Oxygen and nitrogen gases are examples of which type of solution?
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“Ethanol dissolved in water” comes under which type of solution?
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“Amalgam of mercury with sodium” is an example of which type of solution
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“Chloroform is mixed with nitrogen gas” is an example of……
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“Glucose dissolved in water” is an example of ….
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How many components are present in a binary compound?
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Which of the following is an example of a binary solution?
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Solute determines the physical state, in which solution exists. (True/False)
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