RISHI UBR ALUMNI Registration form
Hi dear! Rishians. Very happy to get connected to you again through Alumni Association. All those who studied Degree (B.Sc / B. Com / BCA) or PG (MBA / MCA / MSc / MSIS) in our Rishi UBR Women's College please give your details in this form so that we all can support our institution Rishi in best possible way.

Thanks in advance! - Ms. NSL. Praveena, General Secretary - Rishi UBR Alumni Association
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Name (As per records) *
Education in Rishi (Choose both courses if you have done Degree & PG in Rishi) *
Joining Year *
Passing year *
In case if you have done UG & PG in Rishi, please mention the joining year of Degree & PG separately here
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