Keycloak in our community
Do you use Keycloak in your organization or want to start? Let us know what you're doing, and what you want to achieve, and help us understand your needs! Share your story and have an impact on the Keycloak future!
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Email *
Full Name *
Company *
Do you already use Keycloak? *
How long have you been using Keycloak (if ever)?
Have you or your organization ever contributed to Keycloak? *
(I'm using Keycloak)

Could you share your Keycloak story, how exactly you use Keycloak in production, or what are your major pitfalls? (long answers welcomed)
(I'm NOT using Keycloak)

Could you share what are your needs for an IAM solution, what blocks you from using Keycloak, or how can we help you to consider using Keycloak? (long answers welcomed)
Anything else? What do we do right and what could be better?
Would you be interested to share your story with our broader community? *
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