JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention session proposal
Thank you for submitting a session speaker proposal for the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention.

You may use this form to submit up to three session proposals. For more information about what we are looking for, visit the speaker portal.

IMPORTANT: If your session includes other presenters/panelists, we require EACH speaker to complete their own form so they can share their individual availability, conflicts, bio and contact information. Thank you for respecting this requirement to ensure a smooth scheduling process. 

The submission deadline is Jan. 15 for the spring convention (Seattle) and Aug. 15 for the fall convention (Nashville). We are unable to accept submissions after these deadlines, so please submit promptly.

Please note that presenting a NHSJC session is an unpaid volunteer opportunity to benefit the education and professional development of student journalists and their advisers. Advisers, if you are interested in learning how to qualify for discounted or complimentary registration, visit this page for more info.

Not all submissions may be accepted. Allow four to six weeks after the deadline for scheduling confirmation.

Questions? Email Amber James at
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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Mobile phone (example: 123-123-1234) *
City *
State *
If outside United States, please list country name.
Company *
Title or position (AP style) *
Please check all the apply to you *
Short bio to be included in the convention app (100 words or fewer in sentence and AP style; start with your name "Jane Smith advises...") *
Scheduling Conflicts — Please inform us to convention conflicts that might limit your availability.
Scheduling Availability — Taking into account scheduling conflicts above, please select all the times you ARE available. We appreciate your flexibility in providing us as much availability as possible so we can successfully schedule all sessions. 
NOTE: If you skip this section, we will assume you have open availability beyond any conflicts selected above. 
Are you planning to bring students to the convention? *
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